Tuesday, March 16, 2010

James Round 3

An article clipped from Looniville Times.

We are sad to announce this week the death of an entire household. This week the entire James household was killed.
The week started out normally as possible.
Chad had an emotional breakdown.


This breakdown changed when Chad and Emmy Holoman got married in a quiet ceremony at their home.


The week progressed with promotions, and even Chad's daughter Gloria had money come in with her being spelling bee champion at Looniville High School. Chad was invited to join the local cooking club, due to his enthusiasm.


But it was due to his cooking that tragedy struck. That evening, while preparing a meal for th headmaster, he left for work. He forgot about the food cooking on the stove.
Emmy was the first to notice the fire. She paniced and was unable to call emergency services.
She passed away quickly


Soon his daughter Gloria was also affected by the fire and also passed.


Chad had them buried in the back yard where he could grieve in private.


On top of these losses, his dog was also taken away due to his barking at the fire.


To cheer himself, it appears Chad went to the cooking club meeting, where he won first place with his pancakes.


Upon leaving the cooking club meeting Chad was struck by lightening.


He made it to his home where he passed away Thursday evening.


Let us remind everyone that fires are serious and that you should educate yourself and your family about fire safety.